Vision of Praise International:
- Reaching the lost for Christ worldwide.
- Equipping the Body of Christ with knowledge, understanding, wisdom and revelation.
- Preparing the Bride of Christ for the return of Jesus.
- Empowering believers to lay hands on the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead.
- Carrying out God’s commands to usher in the end time harvest.
- Forming a church with all ethnicities, so we see what heaven really looks like.
Mission Statement of Praise International. Praise International ministry has been called to the nations, to break down the walls that divide the body of Christ such as: racial walls, cultural walls, socio-economic walls and denominational walls. The heart of Praise International is to unite the body of Christ as one and equip every member of the body to function according to their spiritual gifts. This ministry has a great prophetic call to speak into the lives of the church and to pull out purpose and destiny. Preparing the Bride for the imminent return of Christ is the crucial message being preached, so every person can share in the glorious plan of Jesus Christ.
Our Belief Statement is, “We believe the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God and we believe in the full gospel of Jesus Christ.”